The rules around PAT Testing for landlords can be a bit confusing. Currently, there is no legal requirement for landlords to have any PAT Testing carried out. Frequently landlords do provide appliances such as a washing machine, microwave, fridge, vacuum & televisions as part of a tenancy.
The law does not require the items to be tested; however, it expects the appliances to be maintained in a safe condition that will not cause harm to the tenant or tenants. Failure to do so can lead to landlords being sued for negligence.
The new private rental sector legislation regulations are silent on this issue, although testing of portable appliances is sometimes specifically required as a licence condition of a HMO. The Residential Landlord’s Association recommends portable appliance testing as best practice for landlords.
For up to 10 items the charge would be around £65.00 + VAT & we recommend that PAT Testing is carried out on an annual basis.