786 Electricals Ltd are able to carry out Portable Appliance Testing otherwise known as PAT Testing.
The charge would be around £75.00 for up to ten appliances and we recommend that PAT Testing is carried out on an annual basis to confirm that the appliance is working correctly.
We offer our PAT testing services across Leicester & Leicestershire for more information call us on 07584321989.
PAT testing is important from electrical safety perspective. It confirms that the appliance has been correctly wired with the correct fuse, and it is fault free. One of the main features of PAT Testing is a visual check of the appliance to ensure that there is no damage or fraying which may cause future electrical issues.
The law does not require electrical items to be PAT tested for domestic rental properties and there is no requirement for home owners to PAT test their appliances.
The Residential Landlord’s Association recommends portable appliance testing as best practice for landlords. Failure to do so can lead to landlords being sued for negligence.
As a home owner, an electrical fire caused by a faulty appliance or piece of equipment can affect your insurance claim and premiums going forward.
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